Monday, 4 March 2019

The Roller Coaster

The Roller Coaster. 

I hopped on the seat while a worker strapped me up. 

"Whatever you do, don't scream!" My cousin laughed. 

"Deal." I replied 

While HE was getting strapped up, I saw my Auntie waving at me with my 2 other cousings (*coughs* Wusses *coughs) 

"3 2 On-" 

SwOoSh! I blasted up into the air! I felt like the wind threw me up in the sky, I heard my cousin screaming with fear. I saw a cloud on my lap. 

I got lower, and lower.. Until our feet landed on the ground.


Thursday, 21 February 2019

BBQ Dinner

I glanced over, seeing the holy potatoes and the juicy meat.

The meat was about to let go of the bone, while the smell of sensation was with it.

“Hurry up! Let’s eat.” I yelled.

My stomach started to grumble, and my mouth started to open, with drool leading down to my chin.

“Okay, okay!” Auntie replied.